I spent the whole 3 hours on this, was rushing for the last hour because I forgot that a game needs sounds and stuff. You use WASD to move and no other keys because I couldn't be bothered to add that much to the game. Don't let your light go under zero, standing on a spike trap reduces your light level by 1.

Whelp, it was fun having another try at Trijam. I was gonna enter last week too but life comes at you fast. I am enjoying just having a weekly shitpost in the form of a game. All in all, I think I did much better than last time, considering I didn't spend the first hour Googling how to make something move in GameMaker. I also included the base files if anyone wants them I guess, not sure if it's my Australian internet, the GameMaker IDE or my ass coding that makes it run terrible in browser, but here we are.

I used the following sounds for my 8-bit sources:

The moving and switch sounds I downloaded from a creator called Pixabay.

The cave music I actually got from a project here on itch.io, you can check it out here.


All the Trijam 278 Files.zip 663 kB

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