A downloadable asset pack

This script is by no means exhaustive in nature, and probably not even made very well. It is a work of progress for myself to eventually have pretty much every function required to plug into GameMaker to make any basic game idea I want on the fly. Essentially it is just a text file that I copy and paste as a script whenever I start an new jam project. The main two reasons I have it up here is so I can avoid buying another USB, and also so it can be an ongoing project to mark my progress as a game developer as I become progressively less shit.

Currently it barely covers the following stuff:

  • Only one premade virtual pad, meant to make a customizable one but I played Shadow of the Erdtree like 3 times instead.
  • Platformer gravity and movement
    • Includes the ability to slap gravity onto any object, and to very quickly set up platformer games.
  • Top-down movement.
    • Includes some pretty basic code for both collisions and platforms too.
  • Some basics of managing an inventory using a data table, missing a couple. functions still, need to update. Basically just lets me create an inventory and add items real quick when I wanna test stuff.
  • Attaching a function to your UI to change to a menu room by pressing a button, and then being able to go back into the room you were just in.

This is all just shit I have figured out just by experimentation, if any legit GML wizard opens this up and thinks my code is dogshit then I am very open to listening and learning. I tried saving it as a script but it straight up didn't work when I wanted to load it back into GameMaker, so text file it's gonna be I guess.


Caffy's Low Quality Quickscripts.txt 12 kB

Install instructions

Download and copy-paste into a script. You can make a script in GameMaker by right clicking a folder on the sidebar and going into the create menu.

Development log


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I downloaded this text file and it gave my computer a trojan, now every time I open my computer it orders 3 crates of bananas to my address from Amazon. I don't even like bananas.